ComicsDC · Arlington · Estados Unidos
Global · 30-XII-2020
Estados Unidos
En inglés
1252 págs.
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Libro digital, con más de 1200 páginas.

Ensayo en el que se recopilan referencias bibliográficas sobre cómic de todo el mundo, con especial dedicación para el caso de EE UU, Canada y Asia.

For many years, John Lent and Mike Rhode have been collecting citations for comic art, and putting them out in various ways, most recently through a Facebook page. For 2020, they have decided to try to begin bi-annual electronic updated versions.


Over 1200 pages long with more than 1200 new entries, this is a bibliography of articles and books on all aspects of comic and cartoon art including comic books, comic strips, cartoons, animation, editorial cartoons, newly updated as of the end of 2018. The electronic book, a non DRM PDF, includes tens of thousands of citations with links to information on comic book movies, the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the Danish Islam cartoon controversy and other topical matters (but not COVID-19 which will be in the next edition). Many citations are hot-linked to the web publication for ease of use.


To order, please Paypal $12 to and be sure to include your email, and a link to download the pdf will be emailed to you. For students or others, email Rhode directly if you need to request a reduced price.

Sample entries -

                        Benton, Gregory

  Arrant, Chris. 2014. Gregory Benton talks art, universal narratives and 'B+F'. Comic Book Resources (January 2):

  Benton, Gregory. 2013. B+F. Richmond, VA: Adhouse Books

  Rhode, Mike. 2015. Hang Dai Studios at Baltimore Comic-Con: Gregory Benton speaks. ComicsDC blog (September 23):

                        Berg, Dave

  Fischer, Craig. 2013. My Friend Dave. (October 25):

Table of Contents -

Introduction                                                                                                                   v

  Deaths in the comic arts field 2019-2020                                                                       

United States

1.    Comic Books and Strips                                                                                

2.    Comic Books                                                                                                 

·         BUSINESS ASPECTS - Publishers, Companies                               

·         BUSINESS ASPECTS -  Distribution, Sales                                      

·         COMIC BOOK MAKERS AND THEIR WORKS                                     

·         CHARACTERS AND TITLES                                                                

3.    Comic Strips                                                                                                  

·         CHARACTERS AND TITLES                                                                

·         Cartoonists                                                                                        

3a. Web Comics, webcomics                                                                        

4.     Animation, Caricature, and Gag and Political Cartoons                          

4a. Comic Art                                                                                            

4b. Gag, Illustrative, Magazine Cartoons                                                   

·         New Yorker magazine                                                                

4c. Animation                                                                                                

·         Animators and Their Works                                                       

·         Characters and Titles                                                                 

·         Companies, Networks, and Studios                                          

4d. Caricature            

4e. Political Cartoons            

·         Feiffer, Jules                                                                         


Global & Europe                                                                                                        

·         Danish Islamic Cartoons - Religion & Censorship Controversy          

·         Charlie Hebdo massacre                                                                         

·         Belgium                                                                                                   

·         France                                                                                                      

·         Great Britain                                                                                           


Middle East                                                                                                                


·         India                                                                                                        

·         Japan                                                                                                       

Australia and Oceania                                                                                             

Central and South America                                                                                


 Deaths in the comic arts field 2010-2018                                                            

An explanatory note about the project from the book's introduction -


The Comics Research Bibliography began as an online resource in 1996. John Bullough, struck by the success of the Grand Comics Database crowd-sourcing project, proposed a companion project of a compilation of works about comics. Michael Rhode was the only member to join him in compiling an online Comics Research Bibliography. Bullough selected a citation format and created a web interface hosted on his school's server. We both contributed citations, from our local newspapers and collections, especially from Rhode's books and magazines. In the early days of the Internet, we were unaware of John Lent's similar project which he had started for an academic publisher. Both online library catalogues and booksellers have made it less necessary to have an author's books listed, but it seemed silly to have reviews of the books and not the citation for the book itself, so collections of comics were added fairly early in the project. Since updates to the online version have stopped, Rhode has decided to produce a semi-annual print and electronic version to fill the gap. He and Lent began working together on the International Journal of Comic Art over a decade ago, and at the conclusion of Lent's publishing contract, began sharing bibliographic data. Three previous print editions appeared as Volume 11, Number 3 of International Journal of Comic Art (626 pages), Comics Research Bibliography, 2012 (two volumes, 832 pp.) and CRB, 2018 (two volumes, 1253 pp.). This bibliography is a continual work in progress – the authors literally have thousands of additional citations waiting to be formatted and included. Many new articles have appeared due to the growing acceptance of comic art as a subject of interest at the same time the Internet has become a mass publishing media. As the years passed, and the Internet expanded, online citations grew far more rapidly than print ones. We are trying to be a quality filter by only grabbing substantive articles, or interviews off the web. If one types 'Fantagraphics' into Google's search engine, one million results are returned, but if you look at the Fantagraphics entry here, hopefully we will have some substantive pieces on the company that will be useful for research. A word of caution – this bibliography is best used in conjunction with Lent's 10-volume set of Comic Art Bibliography, Rhode & Bullough's online Comics Research Bibliography at (for not all citations there have been added here yet), Joachim Trinkwitz's Bonn Online Bibliography of Comics Research at , and Randy Scott's Index to and List of the Comic Art Collection at . It is neither feasible nor possible to duplicate efforts, and it would not be desirable either, as we all work together and have helped each other.       

Números de esta colección
Ordinarios (3): 1, 2, 3
Creación de la ficha (2023): Manuel Barrero · Datos e imágenes obtenidos del sitio web de la entidad.
Manuel Barrero (2023): "COMICS RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY (2019, COMICSDC) 2" en Tebeosfera. Disponible en línea el en:
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