Training School celebrado en el marco del Working Group 2 del proyecto iCOn-MICs (COST Action Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels from the Iberian Cultural Area).
Plazo de entrega de propuestas: 10 de mayo de 2023.
This Training School is a three-day training event held at the University of Granada (Spain) between 3 and 5 July. Emerging out of the activities of the Action’s Working Group 2, which investigates the metamorphoses of contemporary Iberian comics, the Training School will examine a timely and recent trend in the field of Comics Studies: research conveyed through the medium of comics. The School will be of benefit to colleagues in all career stages – from postgraduate students to early career researchers to established researchers – who are looking to disseminate their research findings and engage non-academic audiences in the outcome and potentials of research.
The programme of activities will include lectures, workshops and practical sessions, and presentations. Among the list of international trainers: Sergio García Sánchez (University of Granada, Spain), José Manuel Trabado (University Leon, Spain), Anabela Marisa Azul (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Viviane Alary (University of Clermont-Auvergne, France), Hugo Almeida (Universidad Nova of Lisbon, Portugal), and Philippe Marion (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium).
Our Training Schools aim to facilitate capacity building on a topic relevant to the lines of investigation of the iCOn-MICS COST Action through the delivery of intensive training on a new or emerging subject.
(acceso limitado a los participantes)
Mañana, 10 :00-14 :00
Tarde : entre 16 : 30 -19 :00
Cómic: un lenguaje para el pensamiento
El guion, un documento secreto. Tipos de guion y guion histórico.
Mañana, 10 :00-14 :00
Tarde, entre 16 : 30 -19 :00
Viviane Alary, hispanista, Universidad Clermont-Auvergne
La historieta como herramienta de mediación científica
Anabela Marisa Azul, Universidad de Coimbra, científica, ecología, biología, guionista de cómics científicos
¿Cómic y/de ciencia/investigación: con quién / para quién?
Mañana, 10 :00-14 :00
Tarde, entre 16 : 30 -19 :00
Transmettre et reconstruire l’Histoire et l’actualité par la BD