II Comic Art Europe Open Call

II Comic Art Europe Open Call

Del 15-X-2021 al 15-XII-2021


A new language for Europe

The «Comic Art Europe» project is a pilot project bringing together four European organisations representing different elements of the comic book ecosystem: a higher education institution, festivals and a museum. It aims to strengthen the comic book sector in Europe by experimenting with collaborative working methods. It promotes the transnational mobility of artworks, workers and creators as a means to significantly upscale the work. It prefigures a European comics community capable of positioning creators and organisations at a European level thereby challenging the historical dominance of the American and Japanese giants.

The project will experiment with professional training (summer camp and residency pathways), creative assistance (grants and residencies), dissemination of results in Europe and outside Europe (European comic book catalogue, large-scale dissemination channels) and mediation around the transformational power of comics (in particular through literacy workshops with comics).

«Comic Art Europe» will enable the participating organisations to test new ways of working together which will strengthen their skills and boost their profile and longevity.

The project partners, united by shared values and a belief in the transformational power of comics, constitute the embryo of a future network capable of bringing the sector together at a European level. This network will develop the capacities of its members, represent the sector at international trade fairs and markets, and consolidate a common culture built throughout this experimental project.

The theme:
Living Together.
Diversity enhances society. Learning about other cultures, being exposed to different values and influences is an enriching experience that broadens the mind and promotes tolerance and the appreciation of difference.

This year, Comic Art Europe is asking comics artists to reflect in their own way on “Living Together” in the modern world. Through true stories or fictional creations, comic book artists are invited to present projects that illustrate their interpretation of “Living Together” today.

Selection and conditions
5 projects will be selected by a jury comprising comic strip experts and representatives of each of the 5 cultural organisations participating in the Comic Art Europe project. Each selected artist will be awarded a 5000€ grant and a two-week residency in one of the 4 partner cities of the project (Lyon in France, Brussels in Belgium, Barcelona in Spain and Kendal in England). The winning artists will also have the opportunity to present their work at festivals and events proposed by the project partners in 2023.

Authors will have from 15 October 2021 until 15 December 2021 to apply.

Click here to apply.

General conditions.

Creación de la ficha (2021): Félix López
Félix López (2021): "II Comic Art Europe Open Call" en Tebeosfera. Disponible en línea el en: https://www.tebeosfera.com/promociones/ii_comic_art_europe_open_call.html