Comics and Medicine 2019

Comics and Medicine 2019 / Queerying Graphic Medicine / Comics & Medicine 2019

Del 11-VII-2019 al 13-VII-2019
Brighton and Sussex Medical School, at the Sallis Benney Theatre · Brighton · SUSSEX ORIENTAL · Reino Unido

Décima conferencia anual Comics & Medicine, reunión de profesionales de la salud, artistas, académicos, aficionados al cómic, estudiantes y otros grupos de interés, coordinada por el colectivo Graphic Medicine.



The Graphic Medicine conference is back in Brighton. We first hosted this conference in 2013 and we are looking forward to welcoming friends old and new to participate in 2019.

Our conference title is deliberately tricky. We hope this draws you in, not shuts you out. This year marks the formation of the Graphic Medicine collective, and this is the first conference under this banner. To us this represents an opportunity to query or question what graphic medicine is about. The time for blind evangelism is past: let’s critically explore our field.

To frame this exploration, we are interested in what it might mean to queer graphic medicine. ‘Queering’ is about refusing binaries and giving a voice to those who are usually silenced through not belonging. It can refer to gender, sexuality, and intersexuality, but it can also be a lens through which to understand other forms of personal, cultural, and political subversion. Queer can be an insult, a reclaimed word, a theoretical standpoint depending on which speech bubble it sits in.

We have lots more questions we hope will be raised and debated through this conference. We invite the submission of a wide variety of abstracts focusing on health, medicine, and comics in any form (e.g. graphic novels and memoir, comic strips, manga, mini comics, web comics) that might explore the following questions, or others you feel are relevant to our field:

  • What is Graphic Medicine?
  • Are ‘graphic’ and ‘medicine’ exclusive terms? How might these terms be queried or queered to open up possibilities for the field and genre?
  • Who gets to speak?
  • Why use comics in healthcare education?
  • What can a Gender Studies perspective offer to the practice, teaching, or creation of graphic medicine?
  • How can comics critically address issues of power in healthcare?
  • How do comics help us question paradigms and assumptions?
  • How might comics reveal everyday sexism?
  • Can comics help with the idea that feminism is for everybody (i.e. intersectionality)?
  • Do comics have something to say about the power and paradigms that swirl around the healthcare of trans people?
  • Does our sexuality plays a part in our art and in our experiences of healthcare?
  • What makes a good ally?
  • How can we avoid offence while still encouraging debate on issues around gender and sexuality?
  • Do comics have something to say about homophobia and transphobia?

Creación de la ficha (2018): Félix López · Datos e imágenes obtenidos del sitio web de la entidad organizadora
Félix López (2018): "Comics and Medicine 2019" en Tebeosfera. Disponible en línea el 27-VII-2024 en: